
An exploration of digital identity and presence.

Where am I?

In the digital world the answer to that question is not an obvious one. Bits of me are in lots of different places and yet “I” don’t seem to be anywhere at all. Self, identity and data ownership are completely unresolved at both architectural and execution levels, making it a far less personal and far more constrained world for all of us than it could be.

Fortunately, there is a growing awareness and concern about these problems, and there is already a small number of initiatives working on different aspects of them. We have set out to investigate this coming evolution of the digital world and the birthing of identity, presence and self into it, and we are using this site to report back our findings as it unfolds. These include the technological innovations enabling this evolution as well as the business implications and the opportunities afforded by it. We don’t know exactly how it will materialize as a new digital paradigm but we are certain that it will cause an explosion in growth and opportunities for entrepreneurs and visionaries of all types.

Our primary audience is anyone who keeps their eyes on the horizon in order to be ready for whatever crosses it.